The value of thrombolysis for the management of acute ischemic stroke: a cost effectiveness analysis based on real world data from the SUN4P study

INTRODUCTION Stroke is one of the leading causes of morbidity, mortality and disability worldwide.1,2 The most recent Global Burden of Disease (GBD) showed that in 2019 around the world, there were 12.2 million incident cases of stroke (one stroke every three seconds) and 101 million prevalent cases.1,2 Recently, OECD reported that he average mortality rate … Read more

Attitudes of the General Population Towards Covid – 19 Vaccination in Relation to the Intention to Travel

1. Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented global health crisis that we faced and affected many aspects of our lives. Its severe impacts led to the implementation of measures that also significantly impacted everyone’s daily routines. One of the most crucial measures in combating the pandemic was the production of vaccines. The rollout of … Read more

Health professional’s experiences during stroke care: a focus group study in Greece

Introduction Stroke is the leading cause of serious disability globally among other cardiovascular diseases, despite newly introduced techniques and methods in stroke treatment [1] and one of the most expensive hospitalizations [2]. Similar to other vascular diseases, stroke incidence is highly age related and if one considers the increase in the average age of society’s … Read more

Investigating the possibility of redesigning Oncology patients’ care based on datafrom Social Security administrative sources

Cancer consists a major public health problem [1], worldwide and especially in middle and high income countries, including Greece [2]. Therefore, optimal and accurate estimation of cancer incidence is still a challenge. Based on estimates by the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), the most common types in Europe (2018) are breast cancer (ICD-10:C50), colon cancer (ICD-10:C18), … Read more

Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory activity of Jacquemontia caerulea Leaf Methanolic Extract in Wistar rats

INTRODUCTIONIn recent times, detailed studies on Pharmacological and Phytochemical investigations provide extensive knowledge and information for the medicinal use of herbal plants by demonstrating the presence of active principles present in them and their therapeutic effect on living beings. Hence, it has become crucial for screening and collecting plants for the exploration of new and … Read more